Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ezer Warrior

A few days ago I finished a book by Carolyn Custis James "When Life and Beliefs Collide." The book is so well written and researched that I think that there was something for me to glean on every page. As I was scanning the internet for pictures to post on my online ministry, this picture jumped out at me. I can't help but think that this is an image similar to what Mrs. James was talking about.
This is the strong helper-warrior that God created woman to be. The verse that is attached immediately reminded me of childbirth in that a woman must be strong and willing to bear the pain~the 'wise' part. Then able to be tender and loving to the baby~the 'harmless' part. There are religions and denominations that think bearing children is all a woman is called to do. Alas, I am here to tell them that that is only the beginning. If God made the woman to bear the physical pain, then surely He made us to bear the spiritual pain as well. In order to do that, we have to be strong~able to carry the burden, and be the helper~able to keep on keeping on~while the burden is being carried.

I am reminded of stories of slave women in the south who had their babies in the cotton fields, then carried on working once they were delivered. The analogy of the Christian life is told in the process of birthing a baby. A woman must be able to give totally of herself, and she must be able to lose a part of herself, and she must be able to carry on once the process is done.

She must be an ezer indeed.

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