Monday, April 13, 2015

Series: Women of Valor~Katrinka Webb

The Ministry of
Shear Glory Hair Design

I first met Katrinka Webb in the late spring of 2011, when we came through Haywood County (NC) for the first time. Within minutes, she had shown such a genuine compassion for us, that we were amazed at her concern and generosity. We had come to realize then, and have experienced it since, that not all are as genuine as they would want others to believe. But, this lady: she is the real deal! So, here is her story, in her own words.

How did you come to have Shear Glory?

After 20 years in the business, and working at several different places~some good, and some not so good~I had started praying about it. A lot of the young girls, because they did not have a large clientele, a lot of the salons did not want to help them. So, I really got a burden to help the young ladies get on their feet and build their business, while giving them a safe environment. Some of the environments I had gone into were not so great. I wanted to give them an environment where they could grow and learn, and be all that God wanted them to be.

So, I had prayed long and hard over it, and came across the first building in Hazelwood. We were there five years, and then the owners put it up for sale. At that point, we had grown. God had blessed it; then we moved to Waynesville. When we came in there, there were a lot more people coming through, and we were able to reach out a lot more. The ministry had started out with nine widows, and we would take them baskets on holidays, and visit with them if they were in the hospital. We tried to look after them as best we could. And, sometimes, we were the only people they got to see.


And you do this as part of the Shear Glory ministry?

Yes. That is part of the ministry. I tell the girls when I hire them, “This is not mine; it belongs to God. And this is His ministry. And, that is what it’s all about.” And I really think that’s why God has blessed it so much.

We have come here to this new building, because the building we were in is in the process of being sold--again! God gave us this building, in the best location, and the nicest building that we had found. God has worked everything out, so that we could set everything up, and it has taken us a month to get the floors down and the walls up, and set in motion!

I can see God’s hand in it. We have a range of ages now; we don’t just have young girls working here. We have Sandra, Tera, and myself, as well as a complete age-range of customers. Our goal is to be an outreach, and that is why I picked out the painting!


It is my mission statement. Because I do believe when you go into ministry, and you put Christ first, He blesses it, and that way, you can reach out to people. Then it is not just a salon; it becomes a ministry. And, that is my goal!

Autumn Jones,  Rayna Conard,  Katrinka Webb,  Sandra Justus,    Tera Presnell