Friday, April 12, 2013

Shrouded In Black-With No Identity

The attack on women began in the Garden of Eden. When God introduced Eve into the garden, she became a target for the enemy at that moment. Later, when God said that 'her seed' would bring the One to bruise the enemy's head, that same adversary has been out to destroy everything good in a woman's world ever since.

In countries based on biblical principals, women fair better than those with little or no Christian influence. Countries under sharia law still stone women and girls for what they deem dishonorable to their families. In other countries, household pets are valued more than the women. In still other countries, there is a 'one child only' rule for women, but not for men. If it pleases the man, he may kill his wife and baby girl, just because she bore him a daughter. In these same countries, millions of women are physically impaired due to childhood malnutrition.

The parts of the world where women suffer the most are North Africa and the Middle East. In many Middle Eastern countries, women are not permitted to go outside in the daytime. In Afghanistan, the Taliban has passed laws against girls going to school and women working outside the home. If a woman lives in a ground floor apartment, the windows must be painted black so that she cannot be seen.

When the women do go out in public, they must wear a chador or burka, that covers them from head to toe. In these coverings, they lose their identity~they are just figures shrouded in black.

Even in 'Christian' countries, women suffer more injustices than men. As of the past decade, women in the US earned only 74% of the salary as their male counterpart, for the same job. About half a million teen girls become pregnant each year, and raise their babies without any assistance from the young men who fathered them. Over 100,000 women are raped yearly, and 1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before they reach puberty. These are all attacks of the enemy to keep the woman down, so she will not rise up to the calling that God has placed on her life.

When Christian men speak out against women, the message sent out is that God is unjust. Those women that the Holy Spirit would compel to become Christians would resist if they thought that there was no difference in the Christian world than in the secular world. Those of us that know the truth must relay to others the freedom that comes in being redeemed by, and serving, Jesus Christ.

Justice begins with God's people~no one else is going to uphold His character. The male/female relationship was broken in the garden, and the enemy has been trying ever since to keep it from returning to its original design.

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