I had the pleasure of meeting this awesome woman in December of 2012, through a mutual acquaintance. She has a warm, sympathetic heart for those who are hungry and, once anyone tastes her baked goods, they are hooked for life!
PPM: How did the concept of a soup kitchen come to you?
In the winter of 1996, I saw in the news a number of situations that started me thinking about the possibility of needs in our County (Haywood). I was really not out in the community much due to working long hours in our bakery, which, by the way, gave us plenty to eat and, for me, most of the time more than I needed!! I realized we were so well blessed. So many friends had helped us along the way, and I needed to “give back” in some way.
These thoughts kept persisting, through my morning devotions, through sermons, through Bishop Tullis’ Sunday School lessons and, I feel, thru God’s leading. I would think about it real strongly for a while, then get extra busy and let it drop til Sunday morning, and then be reminded at least twice through the services! Finally, one Sunday the sermon was written just for me. I told Rob (Fuquay) on the way out that I had to talk with him. He came on Wednesday and we had a long conversation. He really did not know much about the needs in the county as he had only been there a short time.
I need to say here that I was thinking VERY small!!!! I had in mind perhaps making pots of soup and maybe distributing it thru Haywood Christian Ministries or some other means. At that point Rob didn’t know how to get it to the people who needed it, either. BUT, his vision was much bigger than mine. He saw possibilities of this becoming more than just a pot of soup. It was very exciting talking with him about it. We left our meeting with the plan that we would pursue getting needed information. Little did we know, but the Lord already had His plans in place!!
The Open Door, still in the same location, serving a free meal Monday
through Friday, along with a thrift store that helps to fund it.
The next day, I called two help centers and left messages, hoping to talk with them about delivering soups, etc thru their facilities, but neither called me back. I later realized that the Lord wanted a soup kitchen in Haywood County and didn’t need any snarl-ups from us humans!!
On Thursday night (24 hours after talking with Rob) Connie White called me. She had been in Rob’s Disciple class where they talked about needs in the county. Connie was working in a capacity to know about these needs. Rob suggested she call me and as the saying goes”THE REST IS HISTORY”
I won’t say it was all clear sailing from there but things moved along in a hurry. I believe the Lord went before us working out every detail There were many, many hours of planning and working out details but it all came together very quickly and very RIGHT!!
I sure am thankful that Connie couldn’t cook. If she could have made soup, the Lord might not have needed me and I would have missed out on the greatest spiritual experience, and blessing, of my life. I thank God for that nearly every day of my life. Also for Connie and all the hundreds of volunteers that have made this ministry a beautiful reality. PRAISE HIS NAME!!!!!!!!
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